All right, big up-date!Compilation Mod Ver. These were the móds in the páck:Unlocked 2nd island wéapons by teknogek1300Better Places 1.2 by KhenazBeverhund HUD mod compilationLeechmongers attachement modKyodanXD Purposeful icon removalobject blinking elimination by mary.soloWallhack removal by KyodanXD (Up to date to include animal tagging). A few cautionary notes: The majority of these mods and tweaks involve replacing and changing Far Cry 3's core files (located in the FarCry 3/datawin32 folder), so always make backups of the files. You need to survive, this island is hell. Far Trouble - Part One Released 2014 First Person Shooter Defend yourself from hordes of monsters. DEAD CRY is a Total Conversion Singleplayer Mod playable through the Far Cry 3 Map Editor after installing mod and map files. If you are interested in removing Parallax from roads, this mod includes this within it! If you wish to disable it. In your GamerProfile.xml file in My Games Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon folder make sure in your section that you are NOT adding or modifying anything except or otherwise some stuff will not work. Can anyone inform me which file I require to modify to obtain them back again? I discovered a.dll édit, but this compilation doesn'testosterone levels have got a.dll to remove the effect, so one of the inner files were edited instead.Thanks! Far Cry 3 Pc Mods Full But I still want the stealth indications. I'michael using the 1.5 compilation mod package with the upped tool prices/availability added in. Far Cry 3 Pc Mods Rating: 3,5/5 1500 votes