Move player to location specified by crosshairs Increments or decrements the party's credits. Gives Omni Tool, replace the xs with the name of the manufactuer Gives Bio Amps, replace the xs with the name of the manufactuer Give all weapons, replace the xs with the name of the manufactuer Give all Turian armor, replace the xs with the name of the manufactuer Give all quarian armor, replace the xs with the name of the manufactuer Give all krogan armor, replace the xs with the name of the manufactuer Give all human armor, replace the xs with the name of the manufactuer Give all grenades, replace the xs with the name of the manufactuer Give all armor, replace the xs with the name of the manufactuer (or D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mass Effect\BioGame\Config) file name DefaultInput Then when playing in game simply press the tilde key (above tab) to open the console, then type in the desired cheat.

Find the line and under it add the line ConsoleKey=Tilde. First, enable the console by going to Documents>BioWare>Mass Effect>Config on your computer.